10 days or less ago

I want to report to the police.

Call 101 or 999. A specially trained officer will speak to you about what has happened and will arrange for a doctor or nurse to check that you are OK and to look for forensic evidence.

Try not to wash. We can still examine you if have washed, but there will be more DNA evidence on your body if you feel able to wait until after an examination. We have washing facilities on site.

Find out more about visiting a SARC.

I’m unsure about reporting to the police.

Call us on 0300 3034626 or fill in a quick self referral form. One of our specially trained staff will talk to you about what to do next and how we can help. We can arrange for a doctor or nurse to examine you and check that you are OK. They can also collect and store, forensic evidence in case you change your mind later.

If you decide to have an examination, try not to wash. We can still examine you if you have washed, but there will be more DNA evidence on your body if you feel able to wait until after. We have a private shower and fresh toiletries on site.

How we can help.

  • Our friendly staff can explain what to do next and offer you support and guidance.
  • A doctor or nurse can give you a check up to see if you are OK.
  • We can gather forensic evidence and store it for two years, which will help the police prosecute the person who assaulted you.
  • We can provide you with emergency contraception.
  • We can arrange for a sexual health check up.
  • We can arrange for an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) to support you with the police investigation.
  • We can also provide emotional support including counselling.

Why is 10 days important?

10 days is usually the longest time that forensic evidence can reliably survive. After this time, we can still help you with sexual health care, counselling, advice and support but we can no longer gather forensic evidence.