Crisis workers are completely independent from the police. They are non-judgmental and will always respect what you say. Our Crisis workers aim to be on call 24/7 to meet you at the Devon & Cornwall SARC closest to you and provide support.
You do not have to tell your crisis worker what happened to you, but they are trained to listen.
Our crisis workers will:
Ensure you are treated with dignity and respect at all times
Make sure you give your consent and are happy with all that happens at the SARC
Act as your advocate and represent your best interests
Answer any questions you have about what happens now and next
Help you to feel comfortable by providing you with refreshments
Support you through the medical examination process
Offer you a shower and provide you with clean clothing after the examination
Refer you to an ISVA
Refer you to a sexual health clinic of your choice
Provide you with information about other useful services in the area
Above all, listen
All of our crisis workers are female, although we can arrange for you to see a male crisis worker if you prefer. They are highly skilled at supporting people who have experienced sexual assault or rape. They understand how important it is for your voice to be heard. It is their main responsibility to ensure you have all the information, time and space you need to make any decisions about your immediate care. You can always speak to them if you want to stop the process at any time.